Past Auditions with Playhouse 2000

Auditions for Murder on the Orient Express, by Playhouse 2000, Kerrville
Jun. 20 - Jun. 21 (2021)

Ms. Christie did not write a stage version of “Orient Express,” only a novel. The …

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Auditions for A Nice Family Gathering by Phil Olsen, Playhouse 2000, Kerrville
Apr. 25 - Apr. 26 (2021)

Dad was the kind of guy who loved his wife so much, he almost told her …

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Auditions for Two Gentlemen of Verona, by Playhouse 2000
Apr. 18 - Apr. 19 (2021)

This year, “SITP” will present The Two Gentlemen of Verona,a comedy about friendship, infidelity, love, …

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Auditions for Silent Sky by Playhouse 2000, Kerrville
Feb. 21 - Feb. 22 (2021)

    Real life scientist Henrietta Leavitt became one of the most prominent voices in …

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Auditions for Now and Then, by Playhouse 2000, Kerrville
Nov. 29 - Nov. 30 (2020)

Sometimes what happens after last call might change your life.  One night in 1981, just as …

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Auditions for A Christmas Carol, by Playhouse 2000, Kerrville
Oct. 18 - Oct. 19 (2020)

Your Playhouse 2000 has decided to cautiously re-enter the world of production with a revival …

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Auditions for Playhouse 2000
May. 17 - May. 18 (2020)

Quickly becoming popular across the US, The Outsider explores how the populace can sometimes be manipulated by …

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Surveying Actor Interest: King Lear (nine-actor version) for Kerrville's Shakespeare in the Park, Playhouse 2000, Application Deadline April 20, 2020
Mar. 27 - Apr. 20 (2020)

Seeking expression of actor interest for a nine-person version of Shakespeare's King Lear.

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Auditions for Little Shop of Horrors, by Playhouse 2000, Kerrville
Feb. 02 - Feb. 03 (2020)

We’ll be presenting the 2003 “Revival” Version of the show, which expands both the orchestra …

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Auditions for Sylvia, by Playhouse 2000, Kerrville
Nov. 24 - Nov. 25 (2019)

  Greg and Kate are excited to be living in Manhattan after twenty-two years of …

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Auditions for Our Town, by Playhouse 2000
Aug. 25 - Aug. 26 (2019)

Described as “…the greatest American play ever written,” the story follows the small town of …

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Auditions for Southern Fried Funeral, by Playhouse 2000
Jun. 23 - Jun. 24 (2019)

Dewey Frye is dead and the rest of his family is left to pick up …

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Auditions for The Merry Wives of Windsor AND Women in Jeopardy, by Playhouse 2000, Kerrville
Apr. 14 - Apr. 15 (2019)

Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor portrays the farcical attempts of Sir John Falstaff to seduce his neighbors' …

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Auditions for Witness for the Prosecution, by Playhouse 2000
Aug. 26 - Aug. 27 (2018)

  In one of her best known thrillers, Mrs. Christie creates a courtroom drama in …

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Auditions for The Glitter Girls, by Playhouse 2000, Kerrville
Jul. 01 - Jul. 02 (2018)

The Glitter Girls is “Steel Magnolias meets Survivor,” and it is a unique combination of …

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Auditions for Impossible Marriage, by Playhouse 2000
Apr. 22 - Apr. 23 (2018)

Twenty years ago, just about the same time as Doug and Susan Balentine were founding …

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Auditions for As You Like It, by Playhouse 2000
Apr. 08 - Apr. 09 (2018)

Auditions for a role in As You Like It with Playhouse 2000 on Apr 08 through Apr 09.

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Crazy for You, Playhouse 2000, Kerrville
Feb. 11 - Feb. 12 (2018)

In a brand new partnership, Playhouse 2000 and the Music and Theater departments of Schreiner …

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Auditions for Jeeves Takes A Bow, by Playhouse 2000, Kerrville
Dec. 03 - Dec. 04 (2017)

  Based on the hilarious characters created by by P.G. Wodehouse, Jeeves Takes a Bow follows very …

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NUNSENSE auditions at Playhouse 2000, Kerrville, August 27 and 28, 2017
Aug. 27 - Aug. 28 (2017)

The Little Sisters of Hoboken have a big problem and they need to raise some …

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Auditions for Making God Laugh, by Playhouse 2000
Jul. 02 - Jul. 03 (2017)

Follow one family’s trip across four decades to confirm the old adage – “We Plan, God …

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Auditions for Carousel, by Playhouse 2000, Kerrville
May. 07 - May. 08 (2017)

A Musical of amazing depth and beauty, with a story that resonates through the years. Another …

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Auditions for The Matchmaker, by Playhouse 2000
Feb. 19 - Feb. 20 (2017)

Wilder’s uproarious farce about love and money, stars the irrepressible busybody, Dolly Gallagher Levi, who …

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