p r e s e n t c o m p a n y passionately presents the regional premiere of YOUR MOTHER'S COPY OF THE …
P R E S E N T C O M P A N Y proudly presentsAN ADULT EVENING of SHEL SILVERSTEIN(by Shel Silverstein)~ ~ ~ …
AMERICA HURRAH is a stylized biting social satire comprised of three one acts: INTERVIEW, TV, and MOTEL.
Eight Actors.Nineteen Characters.Two star-crossed lovers.One Ancient Grudge.'TIS BUT THY NAME THAT IS MY ENEMY.Present Company's 4th annual Shakespeare at the Market, ROMEO & JULIET, runs …
IF MUSIC BE THE FOOD OF LOVE, PLAY ON! Present Company proudly presents the 3rd annual Shakespeare at the Market: Twelfth Night. Directed by Joseph …
Present Company proudly presents William Shakespeare’s HAMLET. THE READINESS IS ALL. And get ready, because this ain’t your momma’s Shakespeare:7 actors. 28 characters. 5 flashlights. Hundreds …
Austin’s award-winning Present Company will make their Brazos Valley debut with the premier of an innovative seven-person Hamlet, based on the First Folio text. Committed to breaking boundaries and …
Present Company, in partnership with Whole Foods Market, presents the second annual SHAKESPEARE AT THE MARKET: LOVE’S LABOUR’S LOST on the rooftop of the downtown …
A surreal space-time continuum-bending immersive theatrical experience of hysterical historical proportions with a visual arts apertif and a lucid dream chaser. Welcome to Paris, 1904. …
Present Company returns this Fall to Rain Lily Farm with Shakespeare's classic tale of love, magic, and one helluva hurricane. Guests are encouraged to bring …
Bring the littles! A very special Children's Matinee of Much Ado About Nothing this Thursday, May 1 at NOON! Followed by a meet & greet and Q …