This performance centers around six-year-old Junie B. Jones and her adventures in first grade. In Toothless Wonder, one of Junie B. Jones’s top front teeth are …
Neil Simon’s revision of his hugely successful play The Odd Couple sees the lead characters transformed into Olive Madison and Florence Unger. Olive and their group …
The story focuses upon a young farmer, his wife, and a young servant-girl who maliciously causes the wife’s arrest for witchcraft. The farmer brings the …
Alternatingly comic and gripping, A War of the Worlds re-imagines Orson Welles and his radio troupe The Mercury Theatre as a group of African American artists on …
PericlesDirected by Jessica Sturm
Playhouse 2000 partners once again with The City of Kerrville Parks & Recreation Department and the Tivy High School Technical Theater …
At a large, tastefully-appointed Sneden’s Landing townhouse, the Deputy Mayor of New York has just shot himself. Though only a flesh wound, four couples are …
Pauli Murray's queerness is brought to the forefront of her identity as Kalina, a student, questions her professor's assessment of a recent essay that she …
The origins of Shakespeare’s Elizabethan theater can be found in the traveling player tradition. They traveled light and there was little chance of props other …