Based on the beloved Hans Christian Andersen story and the classic animated film, Disney's The Little Mermaid is a hauntingly beautiful love story for the ages. Ariel, …
This controversial musical boldly transcends time as the assassins justify their actions with wit, humor, and a sense of understanding. Everybody’s right to the American …
Twenty years ago, just about the same time as Doug and Susan Balentine were founding Playhouse 2000, Texas native and Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Beth …
Book, Music, and Lyrics by Meredith Willson
Story by Meredith Willson and Franklin Lacey
Wicked, funny, warm, romantic and touching, Meredith Wilson's six-time Tony Award-winning …
JCAST:Judy: Susan Johnston Taylor
Tina: Jessica Cohen (Amy:-)Sylvia: Robert Josef CrossEve/Louise: Kelsey KimbleMiss Thorn: Michelle MaliaLita: Michelle Cheney
Ode to Juneteenth was commissioned for the Witte’s gallery theater program, which endeavors to bring history to life through short plays and interactive experiences.
Hepp-Galvan’s hilarious new play tells the story of three best friends who can’t wait to play together at their secret meeting spot every day. Sarah, …
Casbeer's, Los Padrinos, the ol' Mirador, Tacoland and Earl Abel's. Y'all 'member! Late nights, San Anto blues, greasy-cheesy enchiladas. Loud and proud drag queens mixing …
ith its irresistible blend of hip-swiveling hits, eye-popping fashions and outrageous dance moves, SHOUT! The Mod Musical takes audiences back to the music, style and freedom of …
The newest work from the playwright of HPT hits like John, The Flick, The Aliens, Circle Mirror Transformation, and Body Awareness --the "endlessly fascinating, deeply funny" The Antipodes.
The New York Times wrote, "Just …
The Cage is an adult one-act comedy! Eight hamsters hope to escape the humdrum existence of their pet shop cage. It's the circle of captivity. …