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1/27 - 2/02 | 2/03 - 2/10 | 2/11 - 2/17
The Hidden Room presents Der Bestrafte Brudermord, or Hamlet Prince of Denmark, a new English translation by Christine Schmidle
In a stark motel room at the edge of hell, May (played by Keridwyn Herschberger), a disheveled woman, sits dejectedly on a rumpled bed while …
Short works by Mary Ellen Rainwater, Sharon Argo, Van de Kirk, Rebecca Burroughs, Sheila Rinear and Mike Greenberg.
Liza (Sophie Bolles), a recent college graduate and composer, works a manic number of odd jobs. When she’s not Duck Tour guiding, selling ads for …
A whole lotta shakin’ will be goin’ on when the music of Elvis Presley comes to life in the TexARTS Teen Musical Theatre Academy production …
Richmond, April 1865. The Civil War has ended, and a badly wounded Confederate soldier stumbles into the ruin of what was once his home. His …
Our debut production in our own space, located at the Woodlawn Theatre!! — with Felice Garcia, Joseph Travis Urick, Kenneth Miles Ellington Lopez, Ronald Watson, Morgan Clyde, Diane Benham Malone, Jared Stephens, Byrd Bonner, Allan Ross, Jim …