Great Gold Bird, Great Dark Yawn, a wanderplay
by Twin Alchemy Collective

Sep. 01 - Oct. 01, 2018

Experience a site-specific theatre piece/alternate reality game, inspired by classic adventure video games (nominated for a B. Iden Payne in 2015 for Outstanding Theatrical Experience). You will travel to mystery locations in Austin to find objects such as letters, photographs, and home movies in search of your missing friend, Henry Combs. Break into homes! Steal crystals! Read dream journals!

Great Gold Bird, Great Dark Yawn, a wanderplay
by Katie Green
Twin Alchemy Collective

September 01 - October 01, 2018
unspecified in Austin
somewhere in Austin
to be announced
Austin, TX, 78700

Daily, September 1 - October 1, 2018

Tickets $10 - $25 plus service fees, available via

This experience can be completed alone or in a small group on your own time (within the month of September). It usually takes 3-5 hours, and can be completed in one day or spread out over the month. Works best with a smart phone, but a small number of "lo-fi" versions will be available upon request. A deaf and hard of hearing version will also be available upon request. You will need to drive to 2 locations in opposite parts of Austin.

**Optimized for smart phones, but with limited "lo-fi" versions available upon request. Also a version for folks who are deaf or hard-of-hearing upon request. Your own transportation to two locations required.