"Some Humans Were Harmed in the Making of this Show"
by En Route Productions

Feb. 06, 2018

Helen, a recovering alcoholic and Tony Robbins enthusiast, stages the dramatic journey of how she unleashed her inner elephant. Performed by a ragtag bunch of Helen’s thrift store co-workers, they seek to inspire others and help turn small lives into gigantic ones.

A reading of a new drag, puppetry, self-help-testimony play by CB Goodman. Produced by En Route Productions.
Cast: Lindsay Doleshal, Bridget Farr, Delante Keys, Jenny Lavery, Eva McQuade, Katy Taylor.
Original song by Amber Quick.

"Some Humans Were Harmed in the Making of this Show"
by GB Goodman
En Route Productions

February 06, 2018
Lemon Lounge
908 E. 5th Street
Austin, TX, 78702

8 p.m.

Pay what you can. RSVP at www.erpsomehumans.evenbrite.com.