A Midsummer Night's Dream
by Austin Shakespeare

Jan. 25 (2020)

Combining poetry, fantasy, comedy and music, Midsummer bridges the worlds with magical Fairies (Oberon, Titania, Puck and their crew), the ”Mechanicals” (Bottom and his fellow workers), four young lovers, and a royal court. 


Austin Shakespeare welcomes professional actors (Equity/Non-Equity) to open auditions 12 noon, Sat, 1/25 by appt only: auditions@austinshakespeare.org.

Actors of all ethnicities are welcome. These auditions are for actors who have not auditioned this season for "A Midsummer Night’s Dream" for April-May 2020 in Zilker Park.

New auditioners should prepare a 1-minute piece of heightened language;memorized or read with familiarity. On occasion, Austin Shakespeare uses cross-gender casting.

Midsummer dates: Zilker Park shows: Thurs-Sunday 8 pm May 7-May 31.

Rehearsals begin April 7, weeknights 7-10 pm Sat days; Sunday 4-9 pm; conflicts do affect casting. Non-Equity actors are paid. 

Especially interested in actors with training in “heightened language” and/or Shakespeare as well as those with experience in dance, music (singing or an instrument) mask-work, Comedia, and fight choreography.