Subject to Control
by American Berserk Theatre
May. 19 - Jun. 04, 2016
These are some facts of the world: The bad times began when we had a serious problem with the sun. That was when we came to the facility. Soon after, the animals died; then the plants died; then the oceans burnt and microbes took over. (When we say “bad times,” we are not kidding.)
But the Research gives us a way forward. Perhaps human will, properly cultivated, can change the Facts we don’t like. It’s worth a shot, anyway. The Work is slow. The Research is evolving. This is all we have. But we try to keep a good attitude!! :)
Certain individuals, when paired, have a special aptitude for the Work: Conduits and Conductors.
You will now observe a Conduit and Conductor at Work.
A darkly comic take on cultish pseudoscience, self-improvement, and life after the end of the world, Subject to Control shows a pair of individuals striving toward the next level of human consciousness but scraping against the daily reality of hunger, bowel movements, sexual arousal, and grueling repetition.
Devised over the course of six months and featuring elements of improvisation, dance, and demented horseplay, Subject to Control will make you laugh, then choke on that laugh, then wonder what exactly it is to laugh in the first place, then cry, then laugh again, then have a drink of water, and then leave the theater (because the play will be over at that point, you see).
Built from scratch by longtime co-creators Kaci Beeler (Austin Chronicle "Best Actor" 2012, Parallelogramophonograph) and Curtis Luciani (Your Terrific Neighbors, The Hustle Show) in collaboration with director Rob Yoho (MFA in Directing - Baylor University), Subject to Control was devised using a unique process drawing on the trio's skills in improvisation, sketch comedy writing, and intuitive storytelling.
Subject to Control
by Kaci Beeler, Curtis Luciani
American Berserk Theatre
May 19 - June 04, 2016
9 performances total. (All performances at 8 pm except Saturday May 21st is at 10:30 pm)
Cost: $15