Invisible Cities
by Trinity University
Oct. 08 - Oct. 09, 2015
Inspired by the novel of Italo Calvino, created by Teatro Potlach and Trinity students. Venue is outdoors
Teatro Potlach, together with students and artists from around the University, will take Trinity's campus as both its inspiration and stage. Throughout the event, chosen locations come alive and artists and audience become travelers-explorers-"archeologists of memory."
Invisible Cities
by Teatro Potlatch, inspired by Italo Calvino
Trinity University
October 08 - October 09, 2015
Event will be held outdoors at Trinity University.
October 8-9, 2015. 8:00 pm departure
Both performances will begin at 8 p.m. in the Stieren Theatertake place on Trinity campus
For reservations and more information CLICK HERE or call 210-999-8515 or