Clue, the musical
by Foot in the Door, University of Texas

Apr. 23 - Apr. 25, 2015

You've fought with your friends over the board game. You've probably quoted along to the movie. Now you can quote along to the stage adaptation (please don't actually that would be weird and annoying)! With a DIFFERENT ENDING EVERY PERFORMANCE you'll have to visit Hilltop House more than once to figure out whodunnit. 

Starring: Josh Armstrong, Kendall DeBoer, Dylan Fall, Nicole Harrison, Renae Jackson, Bryson Kisner, Olivia Lin, Nell McKeown, Caleb Parker, Cassidy Schulze, Jessica Starich, Greta Unger, Jonathon Forbes Vineyard

Directed by Kenneth Williams 
Assistant directed by Rachel Abbott 

Stage Managed by Victoria Fazzino
Music by Griffen McDonald 
Design by Mackenzie Dunn 

Special thanks to Lily Pipkin and Roy Wheeler.

Clue, the musical
by Peter DePietro, Galen Blum, Wayne Barker, Vinnie Martucci, Tom Chiodo
Foot in the Door, University of Texas

April 23 - April 25, 2015
Calhoun Hall
near 21st Street and Guadalupe
east of the Harry Ransom Center
Austin, TX, 78712


Thursday, April 23 at 7pm
Friday, April 24 at 7pm
Saturday, April 25 at 2pm
Saturday, April 25 at 7pm

Calhoun Hall 100 (CAL 100)
$5 student/faculty, $10 general admission