Opportunities: Light Board and Sound Board Operators, Wardrobe Supervisor, for Austin Shakespeare's SENSE AND SENSIBILITY

(via Austin Shakespeare)Austin Shakespeare is seeking a light board operator, a sound board operator and a wardrobe supervisor for Jane Austen's Sense & Sensibility. Please spread the word!

Evening technical rehearsals start Tues Nov. 8, 2022 and matinees on Sundays thru Nov. 27 at the Long Center Rollins theater.No performance Thurs Thanksgiving BUT we will have a performance on Wed Nov. 23.

Performances start at 7:30 pm and 3 pm Sundays.Pay for all positions.  (OFF Mon Tues Wed Nov. 14-16 and Nov. 21 & 22)

Light board operator should have technical experience in changing lamps and gels. Sound board operator does not need experience. Wardrobe super is responsible for weekly laundry (machines on premises), repairs, as well as serving as a dresser during performances.  Experience with costumes, please.

Send a letter of interest and experience to production@austinshakespeare.org


Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility
Austin Shakespeare

November 11 - November 27, 2022
Rollins Theatre
Long Center
701 Riverside at South First,
Austin, TX, 78704

Emilotte Persson (r) (photo via Austin Shakespeare)November 11 - 27, 2022

Thursdays - Saturdays at 7:30 p.m., Sundays at 3 p.m.

"Industry night" on Wednesday, November 23

No performance on Thanksgiving, November 24

The Rollins Theater
Long Center for the Performing Arts
701 W Riverside Drive
Austin, Texas 78704

Tickets $35, $42, $47 according to location in theater

Service fee may apply