Productions by Hideout Theatre

Jan. 06 - Mar. 03, 2018
Orphans! by Hideout Theatre

by Hideout Theatre

Is “Annie” your jam? Is “Newsies” the soundtrack for your life? Does “Oliver!” speak your truth?  Then you’re gonna love "Orphans! The Improvised Orphan Musical" …

Jun. 17 - Jun. 19, 2016
The 47-Hour Improv Marathon by Hideout Theatre

The 47-Hour Improv Marathon
by Hideout Theatre

The Hideout Theatre is about to embark on its EIGHTH improv marathon. This year, eight brave improvisors will perform for 47 hours straight, all the …

Aug. 20 - Aug. 23, 2015
Nothing and Everything: Improvised Chekhov Plays by Hideout Theatre

Nothing and Everything: Improvised Chekhov Plays
by Hideout Theatre

The Hideout Theatre presents Nothing and Everything: Improvised Anton Chekhov Plays at The Long Center for four evenings of boundary-pushing improvisational theatre. This 2014 sold-out …

Nov. 08 - Dec. 20, 2014
Nothing and Everything: Improvised Chekhov Plays by Hideout Theatre

Nothing and Everything: Improvised Chekhov Plays
by Hideout Theatre

Anton Chekhov is arguably the most celebrated playwright since Shakespeare. Also known for his hundreds of short stories, this giant of Russian literature cemented his …