Austin Babtist Women
Created in 1986, the Austin Babtist Women have become an incredibly entertaining, and highly-respected, charitable force. The all-male, all-volunteer comedy troupe performs throughout the nation and exists for the sole purpose of raising money for HIV/AIDS, breast cancer and other charitable causes.
For the past 28 years, the Austin-based actors who portray The Austin Babtist Women inhabit the personas of little old church ladies and perform elaborately choreographed, side-splitting routines – all to raise money for AIDS/HIV and breast cancer charities. The troupe have performed coast-to-coast, appeared on Broadway, headlined in Las Vegas and Reno, and raised more than $8 million for charity along the way.
The Austin Babtist Women stage three signature shows per year in Austin, Texas: “GospelFest” on Easter Sunday, “The Anniversary Celebration” in September and the legendary “A Very Pink Christmas” in December. During the remainder of the year, the troupe tours throughout Texas and the nation – as schedules allow – to headline at theatres, nightclubs, comedy clubs, state-wide events, and anywhere an organization needs the Austin Babtist Women’s unique brand of comedy.
Contact Information
Oil Can Harry's
211 W. 4th Street
Austin, TX, 78701