Queso Blanco
by Paradox Players
Mar. 02 (2015)
A comedy/parody/satire set in a dystopian Second Republic of Texas (after secession), with liberals trying to escape the new Republic for the safety of the east or west coasts of America.Rehearsals will begin in late March
Show opens on May 8, runs Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays @ 8 pm, Sundays @ 3 pm through May 24
Monday, March 2, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
Howson Hall Theater, First Unitarian Universalist Church - 4700 Grover
Contact Gary Payne at 512 799-5872 or capcitymystery [AT] swbell.net for more information. Cold readings from the script - nothing to prepare.