African Folktales
by Renaissance Guild

Apr. 23 (2016)

The cultures of West Africa, because of the Atlantic slave trade, infused the “New” world from Brazil to the United States with stories, songs, rhythms and myths that became enduring and basic parts of the cultures of the Americas. 


Those folktales reflect the art and character of people, their stories, in humorous, sweet, sour and heroic ways, explain how things, animals and people came to be and to behave. In subsequent years, the project will also explore the relationship of the origins of African folktales, especially from the east and their influence in Spain and the Middle East.

African Folktales is a collection of stories, poems, songs and dances originating in West Africa and seen through the imaginations of cultures from the Caribbean, Cuba, Mexico, Peru, Brazil and the American south, staged and performed for children between the ages of 5 and 90(and above). It will be performed using the story theater techniques of Paul Sills and Viola Spolin.

Auditions Saturday, April 23, 2016 at 931 McCullough, 78215, San Antonio

from 2 - 5 p.m. -- Please arrive 15 minutes early to sign in

Storytellers (actors) needed: adults and children of all races, ages, shapes and ethnicities, beginners or seasoned, for a daytime performance (additional performances may be programmed).

No preparation needed. Be ready for cold readings from the scripts and a brief interview.

Maks, colorful costumes and African dance & music will be intricate parts of the production.

Actors will be paid a small stipend for this performance.

Rehearsals April 27 - May 19, 2016, days vary according to cast needs; 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m., based on cast needs. Location to be determined.