The Taming of the Shrew
by Way Off Broadway Community Players

Apr. 10 (2022)

The origins of Shakespeare’s Elizabethan theater can be found in the traveling player tradition. They traveled light and there was little chance of props other than items like swords. Performances were often on the balconies or courtyards of inns, in the open air--not unlike Smooth Village today!   

 Before the play begins, Christopher Sly, a ne’er do well, is being teased by some children and a barmaid.  They play a trick on him convincing him he is the King of Texas and that the play is being performed in his honor:

Baptista, a rich gentleman of Padua, has two daughters. The elder, Katharina or Kate, is known throughout Padua as Kate the Shrew because she is bad-tempered, feisty and outspoken.  Baptista's younger daughter, Bianca, in contrast appears gentle and sweet; she has two suitors, Hortensio and Gremio. However, Baptista won't let Bianca get married until someone agrees to marry Katherina first.

Two visitors to Padua arrive with their servants. The first, Lucentio, instantly falls in love with Bianca, and disguises himself as a teacher so he can see her more often. The second visitor, Petruchio, has come to Padua in search of a rich wife and hears that Kate is rich and pretty, but has an awful temper. Petruchio resolves to marry this famous wildcat and teach her how to be an agreeable wife. Baptista, with some misgivings, gives his permission.  And, as Grumio says, “And thereby hangs a tale.”  A tale that has become the template for all the “battle of the sexes” comedies that followed over the next 400 years.

Way Off Broadway will hold open auditions for the play "The Taming of the Shrew" by William Shakespeare at 2 pm on Sunday, April 10 at Smooth Village stage, 203 W. Broade Street, Leander TX. The play will be directed by Peg Patrone assisted by Patrick McElhinney and will run outdoors at the Smooth Village stage The play will be directed by Peg Patrone assisted by Patrick McElhinney and will run Jun 9 - 12 and 16-19 (Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays -- no Saturday performances).  

Callbacks, if necessary, will be director initiated.  If you cannot make the auditions, please email and we will try to accommodate.  

Auditions consist of cold readings from the script. A resumé and photo would be helpful but are not required. Bring your personal schedule to identify conflicts with rehearsal and performance schedule.  Background checks: Everyone 16 and older involved with the production must submit to a background check at WOBCP expense. If you are cast, you will receive a secure link where you can fill it out. There is no cost to you.

SPECIAL NOTE:  Children and townspeople are needed and NO EPERIENCE REQUIRED.

Rehearsals will begin on April 18. Rehearsals are typically held Sunday afternoons starting at 2 pm for the full cast, and Monday through Wednesday evenings starting at 7 pm for scene work with specified characters.



*Katharina (Kate)  Oldest daughter of Baptista.  She is smart, strong-willed and outspoken; opinionated but inexperienced, naive but feisty.   

*Bianca. Younger daughter of Baptista.  She, too, is strong willed but has learned to manipulate to get what she wants.  She plays meek and mild but really is a girl who wants to have fun.  Few lines but a stage presence as she is wooed by suitors. 

*Baptista.  Widower who raised both daughters.  Is a wealthy businessman.  Asserts his authority over his daughters and everyone else; views marriage as a financial transaction.  Frustrated that he can’t manage Kate or find her a husband, he is, in fact, a little afraid of her.   

*Lucentio.  Claims he is pursuing his studies but is not opposed to having a good time.  Affable and inexperienced.  A romantic.  Masquerades as Cambio, a tutor, to spend time with Bianca.     

*Tranio.  Servant/Friend of Lucentio, loyal and quick witted.  He helps Lucentio get access to Bianca by disguising himself as Lucentio so Lucentio can pretend to be a tutor to Bianca. 

*Petruchio.  A hustler, unconventional, cocky.  He’s been successful so far but doesn’t understand why his cleverness and eccentricities go unappreciated.

*Hortensio.  Petruchio’s friend, a musician.  Has his eye on Bianca so helps Petruchio woo Kate and disguises himself as a music teacher to get close to Bianca.  May also play the role of Strolling Musician if the actor cast can play an instrument.

*Gremio.  Contemporary and friend of Baptista and suitor to Bianca.

*Merchant.  Prompted by Tranio, disguises himself as Vincenzio in an effort to trick Baptista and confirm Lucentio as the winner of Bianca’s hand in marriage.

*Biondello.  Lucentio’s young servant.  Eager to please but clumsy and awkward so he appears silly at times.

*Children of the town.  Need 3. Playful, mischievous, energetic and fun-loving.  Appear in the opening scene and crowd scenes.  May also play Servants.

*Strolling Musician:  Sets the pace of the play and facilitates transitions through brief musical segues.  May also play Horgtensio.

*Townspeople.  Need 10-12. Variety of ages, may or may not have lines.  No prior experience needed—just fun-loving and outgoing folks to add to the general festival atmosphere and interact with the audience.  May also play servants, Tailor, or Haberdasher.