upcoming season
by Austin Shakespeare

Aug. 27 (2018)

Austin Shakespeare season auditions, continued.

Actors auditions for Season continue next Monday 8/27 by appointmen

contact auditions@austinshakespeare.org.

Check out www.austinshakespeare.org for dates for "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" Tom Stoppard's INDIAN INK and Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice.



Shylock (age 50's-60's) Portia (age 20's-30's) Bassanio (age 20's-30's), Prince of Aragon (age 20's-30's), Prince of Morocco (age 20's-30's), Duke (age 40's-60's) Antonio (age 20's-40's) Gratiano (age 20's-40's), Salerio (age 30s-40's), Lorenzo (age 20's), Jessica (age 20's), Tubal, Lancelot Gobbo, Old Gobbo, Narissa, a singer.


Performances at Rollins Theater at the Long Center for Cat and Indian Ink, and Zilker Hillside Theater for Merchant.