The Beyonce
by Breaking String Theater
Jul. 06, 2014
Join us for an open reading of playwright Eliza Bent's adaptation of Chekhov's final story, "The Fiancee." In Bent's "The Beyonce", a young woman's engagement to a wealthy young man leaves much to be desired. Nadia's search for authentic love and purpose in a small town set her at odds with the community, and she faces the challenge of finding her own destiny in the world. Bent re-imagines Chekhov's wrenching story of love and self-discovery in a voice that is absolutely fresh, unique, and resonant with Chekhov's delicate humor.
The Beyonce
by Eliza Bent
Breaking String Theater
Please join us at the Salvage Vangaurd Theater for the first reading of "The Beyonce." A post-play discussion will follow.