Out of Ink
by ScriptWorks
Apr. 28 - May. 07, 2016
A grieving widow, a pilot under siege, a captive woman, and a man who has given up on love are just a few of the people who figure out how to carry on in ScriptWorks’ 18th annual Out of Ink ten-minute play showcase. The only objects available to the characters are what will fit in a carry-on suitcase, one of three contributed rules or ingredients used to write the plays. ScriptWorks members mold these elements into their ten-minute masterpieces over 48 hours during the Weekend Fling.
3) The sound of the land
At the end of the Weekend Fling, the plays were read in a ScriptWorks Salon at the Austin Playwrights Studio. A selection committee picked eight plays for production in Out of Ink, from the three-dozen that were submitted. The committee included free-lance director and ScriptWorks board chair, Debbie Lynn Carriger; and non-applying members Larry Herold and Rhonda Kulhanek.
ORTUNES BY VIC - Anne Maria Wynter
LAST KISS - Carolyn Kennedy
PALE BLUE DOT - Adam Sweeney
RIGHT INTO THE NIGHT SKY - Katherine Catmull
RUMBLINGS - Sheila Rinear
SMALL STEPS - Briandaniel Oglesby
WATCH - Lisa B. Thompson
The plays will be performed by an ensemble of actors including Roxy Becker, Zac Carr, Kristin Chiles, David DuBose, Jennifer John, Michael Joplin, Matrex Kilgore, Taji Senior, and Johanna Whitmore.
They’ll be directed by Caleb Britton, Ellie McBride, Christina J. Moore, Linda Nenno, and Rudy Ramirez.
Designers for the project are Lowell Bartholomee, Pam Friday, Shelby Gebhart, and Brooks Naylor.
OUT OF INK 2016: Carry On
RESERVATIONS/INFORMATION: www.scriptworks.org or 512-454-9727