Miss Julie
by Round-About Players

Aug. 21 - Aug. 23, 2015

The daughter of a count, Miss Julie, is drawn to the family valet, Jean, after flirting with him in the kitchen of her family's manor all evening. After Jean's fiancé, Catherine, goes to bed Jean and Julie consummate their relationship. The morning following they must figure out how to save Miss Julie's reputation from further harm. 

To find a short note from the director, go to our website! https://roundaboutplayersatx.wordpress.com/

Cast & Crew

Miss Julie: Jordan Maranto
Jean: Kevin Ayala
Christine: Mae Rose Hill

Director: Marian Kansas

Assistant Director: Kailey Nicole Moore

Costume Designer: Adrienne Alyssa Greenblatt
Costume Crew: Laura Gray

Miss Julie
by August Strindberg
Round-About Players

August 21 - August 23, 2015
Winship Drama Building (WIN), University of Texas
300 East 23rd Street
Austin, TX, 78712

Round About Players is proud to present Miss Julie by August Strindberg. Performances will take place on August 21, 22, and 23 at 8 pm in the Winship Blackbox (WIN 2.180). Tickets are $3 for students and $5 general admission. 

You can reserve tickets at the link to the Round About Players website. We hope to see everyone there!