In the Beginning
by Grackle Jack

Apr. 12 - Apr. 13, 2024

In The Beginning is a wild one-woman comedy that follows the exploits of Not Eve, a person left out of the bible, as she reimagines the Genesis story from a totally new perspective using inflatable puppets, dance, and joyful mischief in order to free the beginning from shame, rejection, and labels.

In this Garden of Eden Not Eve tries on different archetypal female roles ranging from Joan of Arc to the characters from the 1995 film Showgirls and offers them up to the audience for high spirited critique and contemplation. Adam floats by, the fruit isn’t what you think, and a sheep proves that labels create limits.

Using humor, non-traditional storytelling structures, and pool party disco aesthetic, In The Beginning invites the audience to imagine the possibilities of their own Genesis and to reclaim their beginnings alongside one another.

Sightlines Magazine Review “… a show that is both poignant and ridiculously silly. An immensely energetic performer, CB Goodman breathes life into everything she touches. Embracing liveness and rolling with mishaps, she breaks the audience out of their assumptions and invites them to imagine new possibilities for both the theatre and their own narratives. Most of all, she makes them laugh.”

In the Beginning
by CB Goodman
Grackle Jack

April 12 - April 13, 2024
Ground Floor Theatre
979 Springdale Rd
Austin, TX, 78702
April 12 - 8 pm
April 13 - 5 pm
Performances at Ground Floor Theatre
Loud Noises