A Gilbert & Sullivan Christmas Carol
by Gilbert & Sullivan Austin
Jan. 07, 2024
Thirty years ago, Gayden Wren, a New York-based playwright and director, author of "A Most Ingenious Paradox: The Art of Gilbert & Sullivan" (Oxford University Press, 2002), and author of "Very Truly Yours, Gilbert & Sullivan" adapted A Christmas Carol using music from various Gilbert & Sullivan shows, with lyrics cleverly modified ("Three little ghosts for Scrooge are we"). This version of the show will be about 45 minutes long. The full version of A Gilbert & Sullivan Christmas Carol has been seen all over the country and also in Australia, England, Canada, New Zealand and what is present-day North Macedonia*.
*A G&S lover who happened to be with the State Department and posted there was tasked to come up with a Christmas entertainment for the U.S. troops and diplomatic personnel there. She came up with A Gilbert & Sullivan Christmas Carol.
Music by Arthur Sullivan, lyrics by Gayden Wren in the style of W.S. Gilbert.
Our music director Jeffrey-Jones Ragona has put together a cast including:
Narrator – Monica Ballard
Scrooge – Sam Johnson
Singers (multiple roles) – Anthony Ashley, Arthur DiBianca, Andy Fleming, Leann Fryer, Janette Jones, and Annisha Mackenzie
Pianist – Nikki Birdsong
Gilbert & Sullivan Austin will provide some refreshments, but for this annual gathering, we also ask that you bring something to share.
A Gilbert & Sullivan Christmas Carol
by Gayden Wren, after W.S. Gilbert & Arthur Sullivan
Gilbert & Sullivan Austin
January 07, 2024
somewhere in Austin
to be announced
Austin, TX, 78700
Sunday, January 7, 3 pm at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Huffman Hall, Austin TX 78759.
Treat yourself! Gilbert & Sullivan Austin's gift to you is a free show at our annual meeting. Everyone is welcome.