The Last Round-up of the Guacamole Queens
by Hill Country Arts Foundation (HCAF)

Jul. 14 - Jul. 29, 2023

In The Last Roundup of the Guacamole Queens the three Verdeen cousins, Gaynelle, Peaches, and Jimmie Wyvette, are racing against the clock to hold the perfect high school reunion before their old high school is demolished. While facing various heartbreaking, yet pretty hysterical personal problems, the cousins must throw the perfect reunion to impress the governor’s aide and snag the high profile job of planning the governor’s birthday party in order to keep their family business running. While the cousins need a perfect evening to occur, various other family members unexpectedly show up, bringing all forms of chaos with them and causing the most entertaining high school reunion to occur!

Directed by Jeff Cunningham


The Last Round-up of the Guacamole Queens
by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten
Hill Country Arts Foundation (HCAF)

July 14 - July 29, 2023
Elizabeth Huth Coates Point Theatre indoor stage, HCAF
120 Point Theatre Road
HCAF indoors
Ingram, TX, 78025

More forthcoming from HCAF. (March 17, 2023)