Fabulous Monsters
by San Pedro Playhouse

Feb. 24 - Mar. 19, 2023

(via The Public Theatre)When punk rock exploded in L.A., Sally and Lou were there: feminists, Latinas, queens of noise. One went pop, one stayed punk, but sparks from their tumultuous friendship remain. Decades later, they must try to overcome old wounds, forgive each other, and rock as hard as they ever did.

— World Premiere —


Review by Bryan Stanton for San Antonio.Broadway World, Feb. 26, 2023

(via The Public Theatre)

(via The Public Theatre)


Fabulous Monsters
by Diana Burbano, Fea
San Pedro Playhouse

February 24 - March 19, 2023
Cellar Theatre, San Pedro Playhouse, San Antonio
San Pedro Park
800 W Ashby Place
San Antonio, TX, 78212

(via the Public Theatre)February 24 - March 19, 2023

Cellar Theatre, The Public Theatre, San Antonio

Adult — $45
Military/First Responders/Adults (60+)/Student — $30
Youth — $15

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