The Ghostlight
by Circle Arts Theatre
Nov. 05 - Dec. 31, 2020
When Bram Stoker and Henry Irving get locked in a haunted theatre overnight, a lot can go wrong. This spooky show is the perfect way to get your Halloween fix!
Directed by Robin Williams.
The Ghostlight
by Michael Punter
Circle Arts Theatre
via internet
Everywhere, TX, 78700
That’s right, “The Ghost Light” by Michael Punter is now available for streaming! Tickets start at $10. To stream, all you have to do is buy a ticket (or use your Flex Pass Credit) and then use the link and transaction number to view the video. You can watch on your smartphone, tablet, computer or a smart TV connected to the internet. Tickets and viewings will be available through the end of the year.
Streaming Tickets:
Tickets $10, $15, and $25 plus service fees