The Tempest
by Classic Theatre of San Antonio
Feb. 17 - Mar. 12, 2017
Prospero, the duke of Milan and a sorcerer, is cast away on a remote island with his daughter Miranda through the deceptions of Prospero's envious brother Antonio and co-conspirators. Over a decade later, those responsible have been shipwrecked on the island by Prospero's magic. Begrudged creatures and drunken clowns, charmed royals and magical spirits alike, all struggle between the temptation for revenge and greed, and the grace of forgiveness and humility. It is considered by many critics to be the last play that Shakespeare wrote alone.
Directed by Mark McCarver.

Miranda- Grace Lamberson
Ferdinand- Hunter Wulff
Ariel- Kacey Roye
Caliban- John Stillwaggon
Antonio- Meredith Bell Alvarez
Alonso- Magda Porter
Gonzalo- Alison Bridget Chambers
Sebastian- Kelly Roush
Stephano- Rick Clyde
Trinculo- Linda Ford
The Tempest
by William Shakespeare
Classic Theatre of San Antonio
February 17 - March 12, 2017
Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 3 p.m.
Tickerts $25 general admission, $20 seniors/military/SATCO members, $10 students
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