Funding Appeal: Mercurial Theatre, Austin

We founded our company with one main goal in mind: to make compelling art. While we have a passion and love for all things stage (and screen), we seek to challenge ourselves and our fellow human beings who share in this experience called "life." And to do it, we need your help.
We don't want to do what is safe. We want to create, to push ourselves, to open our minds and tell a story. And we want to share that experience directly with you. We wish to move you, inspire you, and enlighten you. We invite you to share each performing space with us as we explore our similarities and learn from our differences, remembering that we are all one. We are human. We are Mercurial.
We are a "found space" theatre, willing to perform in warehouses and alleyways, coffee shops and conference rooms. We believe in serving what's best for each production, so each experience is carefully crafted, different and special.
Check out the info our premiere production, HP Lovecraft's The Color Out of Space, which The AustinChronicle called "downright eldritch if not chthonic in [its] presentation," and Broadway World heralded as a "an impressive first outing."
Our current production, Let the Dead Now Speak, places the audience at the center of an original work of immersive, theatrical horror.

Achieving what we've set out to do takes time, patience, and most importantly, you. The audience. Theatre is a shared experience, and as a nonprofit we need your support.
While ticket sales account for some of our operating costs, venue fees in Austin are on the rise. We also insist that all of our actors are paid at least a small amount for the countless hours that many organizations as that they donate. To achieve these goals, and the community outreach we aim to make a platform in 2017, donations are a must.
We also have an application pending for official status as a 501(c)3 organization, which would help immensely. With this status we'll be able to apply for grants and funding, and all donations from the public would be tax deductible.
The donations for this campaign with go directly to the 501(c)3 application, and to funding the last show of our inaugural season and the first two productions of our next.
Really. Thank you. Every donation matters. Let's make art together.
Visit us at:
A huge "thank you!" to George Craig for the amazing work on our video above. Check out his site at
Let The Dead Now Speak - A Séance
by Justin M. West
Mercurial Theatre
October 14 - October 30, 2016
FRI-SAT OCT 14-29, 2016 AND Monday, Halloween Evening, October 31
Extremely Limited Seating
Recommended for mature audiences
(Doors open 30 minutes before listed time)
Fri, October 14 - 8pm, 10pm
Sat, October 15 - 8pm, 10pm
Fri, October 21 - 8pm, 10pm
Sat, October 22 - 8pm, 10pm
Fri, October 28 - 8pm, 10pm
Sat, October 29 - 8pm, 10pm
Halloween Night - 8pm, 10pm
SESSIONS ON MARY , 604 W. MARY ST, AUSTIN, TX, (Click for Directions)
Get notified when the tickets go on sale: Click to sign up for e-mail notifcation (see bottom of the show paga)