Anne Wheeler Explains LBJ Library Partnership with Pollyanna for LIBERTY! EQUALITY! FIREWORKS!

Anne Wheeler, Communications Director for the LBJ Library speaks about why they partnered with the Pollyanna Theatre Company --- an effort during this 50 year celebration to help children understand why they need to safeguard these freedoms and that often acts of political courage are what is needed to make change happen.

Liberty! Equality! and Fireworks!
by Gregory Perrin
Pollyanna Theatre Company

February 17 - February 20, 2016
Lyndon Banes Johnson Presidential Library
2313 Red River
University of Texas
Austin, TX, 787805
School performances: Feb. 17th at 11:30 a.m., and Feb 18th and 19th at 9:30 & 11:30 a.m.
School tickets for LIBERTY, EQUALITY, AND FIREWORKS! are available by calling (512) 743-7966 or by emailing​​
Public performance: Feb. 20th at 2:00 p.m.
Public tickets are available by clicking the link below.
Click Here for Tickets