Puppetry, Sustainability, Blinguëdad -- Glass Half Full Theatre for schools, 2021-2022

Parents and Teachers: tell your schools!  Glass Half Full Theatre: Puppetry of Objects & Ideas offers programming in schools featuring environmental justice topics (and they are FUNNY). If you want to nudge your school or PTAs about these offerings, they can receive Texas Commission on the Artsfunding to cover half the cost of the shows, making them extremely affordable.  


(via Glass Half Full Theatre)(

AVAILABLE ON CAMPUS: The Global Arena! See video: https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/610751830 
AVAILABLE ONLINE: Trash Talks with Polly Mermaid: https://vimeo.com/610792463 
For more info: https://www.glasshalffulltheatre.com/elementor-2723/ or contact Caroline@GlassHalfFullTheatre.com.