Playhouse 2000 in Kerrville Celebrates 2017's 'Earnie' Awards
Thank You!
The annual "Earnest T. Player" Awards are one way that Playhouse 2000 says "Thank You" to the people who make everything possible all year long. Here's a look at some of the folks whose efforts were recognized this year. |
We tally your votes on the "Outstanding Actor" categories, and this year we had a record number of ballots to count.
You chose Jessica Sturm as "Amnesia" in NUNSENSE and Wright Roussel as "Glen" in HOUSE FOR SALE as the Outstanding Actress and Actor in Leading Roles.
Outstanding Featured Actors selected were Carole Weatherred as "Nettie Fowler" in CAROUSEL and Derek Meier as"Ambrose" in THE MATCHMAKER. |
In the Youth Theater, outstanding performance recognition went to Evangeline Horton as "Antigone" in ANTIGONE and Isaiah Brooks as "Michael" in PETER PAN.
In a pair of "two-fer" awards, Beth Cunningham and Norah Distel were honored for their roles as "The Stepsisters" in CINDERELLA; as were Ava Lea O'Donnell and Austyn Hennigan playing "Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum" in DOROTHY IN WONDERLAND. |
Each production of 2017 had a "Director's Choice" Award as well. These awards recognize the "Most Valuable Player" selected by the director of each show.
These awards went to Dana Williams for HOUSE FOR SALE; Nick Boland for FUDDY MEERS; Justin Radkiewiczfor THE MATCHMAKER; MarcusGoodyear for ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA; Hannah McDonald for
For Youth Theater productions, director Sarah Distel selected Georgia Horton for ANTIGONE; Caroline Daschel for PETER PAN; Phoenix Miller forCINDERELLA; and Leon Meier for DOROTHY IN WONDERLAND. Playhouse 2000 staff select some of the recognition given at the "Earnies:" the volunteer of the years awards |
The Outstanding Front-Of-House Volunteers for the year were Gary and Evelyn Nelson (sorry, we don't seem to have a photo of Gary and Evelyn.)
For Outstanding Backstage Volunteer, Jennifer Daschel was recognized for her efforts as Youth Program Costumer. Kara Joy Baker, as "Julie Jordan" in CAROUSEL, was honored as the Outstanding Playhouse 2000 Debut Performance for 2017. Named Volunteers of the Year for 2017 were scene shop and costume shop stalwarts Riley and Diane Royce Smith
Mitch Mitchell and Houston Glover, as "Bertie Wooster" and "Jeeves," respectively, brought down the house with an hilarious preview of the Season 2018 opener Jeeves Takes a Bow. And each of the year's eleven productions received a retrospective slide show created by Kerri Sparkman of photographs taken by Jacquie Bovee, Paul Stafford, Amy Goodyear, Sarah Distel and Tony Gallucci.
It was a wonderful evening filled with camaraderie - and a bit of glamour - that was enjoyed by many of the hundreds of volunteers that create the theatrical magic at The VK Garage and Cailloux theaters.
We enjoyed the chance to reflect on and celebrate a great season. Now, we're looking forward to 2018! See you there! |