Productions by Tex-Arts Youth Musical Theatre Company

Jun. 25 - Jun. 26, 2016
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum by Tex-Arts Youth Musical Theatre Company

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
by Tex-Arts Youth Musical Theatre Company

TexARTS is excited to present “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum” as part of our fully-staged youth summer musical. This is …

Apr. 23 - May. 01, 2016
Legally Blonde, Jr. by Tex-Arts Youth Musical Theatre Company

Legally Blonde, Jr.
by Tex-Arts Youth Musical Theatre Company

The TexARTS Youth Musical Theatre Academy for ages 7-12 presents “Legally Blonde Jr.” April 23-24 and April 30-May 1. Based on the MGM motion picture, …