Reviews for Gaslight Baker Theatre Performances

Review: Amateurs by Gaslight Baker Theatre

Review: Amateurs by Gaslight Baker Theatre

by Michael Meigs
Published on September 06, 2008

in my secret identity as the critic from Austin Live Theatre, I was sitting in the second row, watching community theatre actors making fun of the egos and vulnerabilities of community theatre actors, play-making, and -- critics.

The premise of this neatly crafted production by the community theatre in Lockhart, Texas, only 35 miles from Austin, sets us up for a happy exercise in dramatic irony.Imagine, say author and cast, that a group of community theatre actors are gathering for a post-production party, and that a noted theatre critic has against his better judgment attended the production. Their four-character show was a musical comedy about undertakers, and opening night was so chaotic …

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