Bad Spies AND Jaded
by GirlImproved
Jun. 08 (2015)
Auditions for a role in Bad Spies AND Jaded with GirlImproved on Jun 08.Desperately seeking: 14 YEAR OLD ACTRESS to play lead character in "Jaded," a new one-act play by Girl Improved playwright, Grayce Fischer. Also seeking a 15-16 YEAR OLD and 12 YEAR OLD ACTRESS to play secondary characters, Melanie and Georgia.
Auditions: THIS Monday, 6/8 from 6-9 pm in East Austin.
Rehearsals: Tues/Thurs eves and Sat or Sun. Show Ground Floor Theatre, July 8th-18th.
-- from Andee Kinzy
Jun 7th, 12:18pm