A Bad Year for Tomatoes
by StageCenter Community Theatre

Dec. 09 - Dec. 10 (2024)

Fed up with the pressures and demands of her acting career, the famous Myra Marlow leases a house in the tiny New England hamlet of Beaver Haven and settles down to write her autobiography. She is successful in turning aside the offers pressed on her by her long-time agent, but dealing with her nosy, omnipresent neighbors is a different matter. In an attempt to shoo them away and gain some privacy, Myra invents a mad homicidal sister - who is kept locked in an upstairs room. 

Directed by Chaz Pitman

Auditions at StageCenter Bryan December 9 and 10, 2024 at 7 p.m.

Click HERE for auditions FAQ.

A Bad Year For Tomatoes
By John Patrick
Directed by Chaz Pitman
Rating: Teen+: Recommended for Patrons 13+

Fed up with the pressures and demands of her acting career, the famous Myra Marlowe leases a house in the tiny New England hamlet of Beaver Haven and settles down to write her autobiography. She is successful in turning aside the offers pressed on her by her long-time agent, but dealing with her nosy, omnipresent neighbors is a different matter. In an attempt to shoo them away, and gain some privacy, Myra invents a mad, homicidal sister - who is kept locked in an upstairs room. 

Audition Dates: December 9th & 10th, 2024
Show dates: January 30th - February 15th, 2025

Character List
Myra Marlow: famous and successful TV actress. She's middle-aged and has decided to take a year off acting to write her autobiography 

Tom Lamont: Myra's agent and friend. He's trying to persuade her to abandon her sabbatical and return to Hollywood, both for his commission and because he wants to marry her. He's middle-aged as well, described as graying at the temples. 

Cora Gump: the first of two townsfolk that greet Myra as a couple of "Hospitality Ladies". Middle-aged, gossipy, pushy and nosy, we later learn she has quite a love for Scotch. 

Reba Harper: the other "Hospitality Lady" to greet Myra. Middle-aged and a good partner to Cora. She is too nosy and gossipy, curious and inquisitive, and a bit more outgoing. 

Piney: the area woodcutter, manure vendor, skunk hunter and handyman. Middle-aged, tall, bearded, outdoorsy; he is abrupt, plain-spoke, and talks mainly in one or two syllables. 

Willa Mae Wilcox: the town cuckoo. Middle-aged to elderly, she's superstitious, furtive, a bit mean and birdlike; she's into astrology and anything or everything occult or new age  

The Sheriff: any age; small town law enforcement official. He is rather stern and suspicious, has a take charge personality and ends up confused and annoyed.  
Auditioning at StageCenter
First Timers welcome! Auditions are open to everyone and typically consist of two nights of cold reads. Rehearsals are usually Mon-Thu at 7-9pm, with work days 10am-2pm on Saturdays. All volunteer, no cast fees. Cast lists are posted on Facebook. Interested in crew? Let us know or come to auditions!
Click Here for Audition Guide & FAQ's