The Originalist
by Unity Theatre

Oct. 17 - Oct. 26

The Originalist depicts the relationship between Antonin Scalia, at the time an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and a fictional Supreme Court law clerk whose views differ from his. Written by John Strand, the play was originally produced for stage performance in Washington, DC in 2015 under director Molly Smith; actor Edward Gero portrayed Scalia. The play received a positive review in The New York Times and has been produced at multiple theaters. In March 2017, the play was broadcast on public television.

           -- Wikipedia


Artistic Director Kate Revnell-Smith is holding non-AEA auditions for the upcoming studio production of The Originalist by John Strand.

Seeking Black female, mid to late 20’s, to play Cat, a young law clerk who goes head-to-head with Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. 

The show would begin rehearsal on or about February 6 and it runs two weeks, February 27 through March 9, 2025, for a total of five weeks commitment. For more information or to schedule an audition please contact Kate Revnell-Smith