Sep. 17 - Sep. 18 (2024)
This Tony-winning (and Pulitzer finalist) play is set in the upper class German-Jewish community living in Atlanta, Georgia in December 1939. Hitler has recently conquered Poland, Gone with the Wind is about to premiere, and Adolph Freitag, his sister Boo, and sister-in-law Reba, along with nieces Lala and Sunny – a Jewish family so highly assimilated they have a Christmas tree in the front parlor – are looking forward to Ballyhoo, a lavish cotillion ball sponsored by their restrictive country club. Adolph's employee Joe Farkas is an attractive eligible bachelor and an Eastern European Jew, familiar with prejudice but unable to fathom its existence within his own religious community. His presence prompts college student Sunny to examine intra-ethnic bias, her Jewish identity (or lack thereof), and the beliefs with which she has been raised.
This is an open call to all actors.
When: September 17-18, 2024. Potential callbacks September 23rd. Performances will be Thurs-Sun NOVEMBER 8-24, 2024.
Time: Tuesday and Wednesday, 6:30 – 9:30 pm.
Where: Genesis Creative Collective, 1507 Wilshire Blvd. On the campus of Genesis Presbyterian Church
Actors of any race, sexual orientation, gender expression, ability, and age are encouraged to audition. Casting all roles.
Show dates are Nov 8th - Nov 24th, with rehearsals beginning on September 30th/October 1st.
Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. We will send the sides a few days before auditions. Please be familiar with the show and plan to stay at least 1 hour as you will be reading with other auditioners.
Contact 512-470-1100 or to set up an appointment.
Please fill out this audition form prior to scheduling an audition:
Lala Levy - 20s. Excitable, awkward, and a little immature. She lives in a dream world.
Reba Freitag - 40s-60s. Gentle, quietly observant but capable of sudden dizzy and hilarious outbursts.
Boo Levy - 40-60s. Fussy, controlling, and slightly sarcastic. Obsessed with status, she is the driving force of the play's anti-semitism.
Adolph Freitag - 40s-60s. Nice, down to earth, sentimental guy with a dry sense of humor. Adores Sunny, but has little patience for Lala.
Joe Farkas - 20s. Adolph's business assistant from New York. Finds an intellectual match in Sunny. Challenges the family to reassess their ideas of identity
Sunny Freitag - 20s. Junior at Wellesley College. Struggles with her Jewish identity.
Peachy Weil - 20s. Brash, obnoxious, and outspoken. Frat boy type. Finds a match in Lala. Red hair.