by Walking Shadow Shakespeare

Jun. 13 (2024)

Bar(d), an original one-act comedy based on Shakespeare scenes and characters. This show combines modern dialogue, Shakespeare scenes, and pop songs.

Casting actor/singers. Please note that songs as written may be changed to fit actors’ ranges. Fill out the audition form here

Show Dates: August 16, 17, 18 , 2024
Show Times: 9 pm
Show Location: The Butterfly Bar @The VORTEX
All actors will be paid a $150 honorarium.

Casting for:
BARTENDER: no nonsense, trying to keep things together. Will double as karaoke DJ for the 2 hour preshow
ROMEO: naive, he’s a lovestruck puppy dog
JULIET: she’s in love with love
MACBETH: he’s fed up, tired of being walked all over by... 
LADY MACBETH: in charge and needs you to know it. She should spend most of the play hitting on…
VIOLA: Dressed as Cesario. Positive outlook, trying to keep that up.
OLIVIA: She still feels a bit misled by Viola.
HAMLET: Speaks only in lines from Hamlet. Always just...there, brooding. Probably scribbling in a journal the whole time.
We encourage actors of all races, gender identities, sizes, abilities, and ages to audition.

To audition, please complete the following form for a time slot and plan to attend our open call on Thursday June 13 OR submit a video audition to

Your video should contain:  A one-minute Shakespeare monologue delivered in a modern style (free yourself from "Shakespeare voice" or any traditional classical theatre expectations) A 16-32 bar selection of a pop song that suits your range. 

In-person audition: Thursday, June 13th. George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center. Sign up for your time slot here.

Submission Deadline: Friday, June 14th.

You will be notified of casting through email by January 18 at the latest. Rehearsals will take place Thursdays and Saturdays through July and August. Please note conflicts in the form below. 

Feel free to email with any questions, to request a copy of the script for perusal, or to request accommodations to this audition form.