by Speedrun Studios

May. 31 - Jun. 08

"Twisted" gives the "Wicked" treatment to Disney's Magic Kingdom, retelling the story of Aladdin from Jafar's point of view! Paying tribute to almost every 2D animated Disney musical AND the story of "Wicked" in one chaotic adventure, the intelligent and kind Royal Vizier must find a magical lamp to defeat the city's most wanted criminal. 

We are currently hosting virtual auditions seeking diverse young adult (18-20 somethings) performers for our summer musical production "TWISTED: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier", at The Dougherty Arts Center. 

Audition link:

Originally produced by: Team Starkid

Producing Company: Speedrun Studios

Pay: $150 minimum, plus an even percentage of profit after curtain. 

Directors: Dominique Sharifi, Austin Civatte

Auditions close: 06/08/24

By video submission only


First Rehearsal: 07/15/24

Opening: 08/09/24

Closing: 08/11/24


Hi! We’re Speedrun. Speedrun Studios is a new theatre production company and community of artists dedicated to inclusive, collaborative art made by young adults, for young adults. We provide professional, paid safe spaces for growth and education in the arts while maintaining the ragtag, fun-first energy of student-led projects.

When and Where?

Blocking rehearsals will begin @ Violet Crown City Church, July 15th,

Mon-Thurs from 2-6 pm. 1-2 vocal and character building workshops may also be scheduled in early July. Tech week, (mandatory for all cast and crew) begins August 5th at The Dougherty Arts Center in Barton Springs, 2-6 pm concluding with 3 shows on August 9th and 10th.


Whatcha Need?

This will be an open call! For interested...

- Performers! Portraying comedic twists on over a dozen iconic Disney

Magic Kingdom characters.

- Technicians! Bringing animation to life onstage presents unique opportunities in puppeteering, costuming, prop making, superhero stage

managers, and more!

Performers: An audition for Twisted will be considered complete after submission of the “Twisted Audition Form” assignment, the “Twisted Vocal Audition” assignment, AND the “Twisted Acting Audition” assignment, by Midnight, Saturday June 8th - virtual submission only. Callbacks will be scheduled by appointment shortly after.

Technicians/Creatives: All considering working behind, below, or above the curtain must fill out the “Twisted Tech/Creative Form” assignment by Midnight, May 31st to be considered for a position. Tech interviews will be scheduled by appointment shortly after.

Those interested in assisting in multiple areas should note it on their actors audition form!

All performance roles will be paid an honorarium of $150, or a percentage of profit, whatever is highest.

Note on casting and setting:

Producing a show based on the original “Aladdin”, we will always aim to cast this show through as diverse a lens as possible, however: all roles are open to everyone to audition for. As a parody of the original story, the 2013 production uses a white-presenting ensemble to mock Disney’s cartoonish westernization of the original: google “Aladdin voice cast” and you’ll pass 8 white people before your first woman of color. The words “Agrabah, Arabia” are never spoken in TWISTED. The setting is “The Magic Kingdom”, a multiverse mashup of many Disney stories, where we may see Belle crossing over with Scar, Prince Eric meeting Cinderella, etc. With this in mind, we will adjust elements of the design based on our cast: no white performer will be costumed in the turbans and harem pants of the original story, but to a Dis**y-ified setting that matches the makeup of our cast. As always, with Speedrun’s commitment to equal opportunity productions, POC talent and talent across the gender and disability spectrum are encouraged to apply.


Due to the show's mature themes, all must be 18+ when rehearsals begin.

Info on the show, its plot, and roles available can be found here!


We look forward to giving our Everything and More to this show!

- Austin Civatte (Artistic Director) & Dominique Sharifi (Music Director)