A Cards against Humanity Christmas Carol
by Communication by Captivation

Nov. 06 (2023)

Auditions for a role in A Cards against Humanity Christmas Carol with Communication by Captivation on Nov 06.

CBC Theatre is still on the look out for a Scrooge to join our cast in A Cards Against Humanity Christmas Carol!

We prioritize an actor's capacity to take us on an emotional roller coaster through the story, disregarding considerations of race, gender, sexual orientation, or similar factors.

Come sign up for a slot to read with our cast on November 6th! We will reach back out to you with a time slot.

We have foregone the video monologue we were previously asking for. Click HERE to sign up.

From the sign-up form:


**This show will definitely contain adult language, themes, and context...**

By submitting this form, you are sharing your interest in joining the cast for an audition. This audition will involve you coming into a rehearsal with established cast members, and improvising through a few scenes with the HELP of an established script. 

So...what EXACTLY is this whole idea about?

I want you to imagine an outdoor café, complete with a stage. decked out with holiday cheer while festive inspired food and drinks are being served by the in house waitstaff. Where audience members can attend a FREE performance of The Christmas Carol (Though with a 'pay to play' aspect) that is deliberately derailed by audience members using A Deck of Cards Against Humanity. A performance Gameshow, NOT for all ages, that is sure to fill all with holiday cheer, while also busting a gut!

At Cherrywood Coffee house, mid-December 2023, we will be bringing to life just that! Actors will play multiple roles in the classic tale, as we retell the story of Scrooge and his ghostly visitors. Audience members will be able to make donations in order to build a deck of cards used the throw the actors off but changing up what their characters talk about and what actions they do. Actors will need to work their way out of these derailed situations and 'lane the plane' as safely and as undamaged as possible.

For instance, if Scrooge is delivering the line:
"Are There no workhouses? Are there No..."
*Picks up card*
" Assless Chaps? Man I love wearing those! What a roller coaster!
(proceeds to go on rant about Assless chaps)
"Anyway... what was I saying? Oh yeah! No I will not give to the poor...back to the scene."

While, as an actor, the prospect may sound slightly intimidating, the cast will be well versed and working closely with the director to make sure they have the tools to bring the show to a successful conclusion, while navigating the many different moving aspects of the production.