The Children's March
by Antoinette Winstead

Jan. 05 (2023)

Set in May 1963, the day before Birmingham, Alabama’s historic black student walkout, The Children’s March tells the story of eight brave high school students as they prepare to march, each grappling with their decision to participate or not, each acutely aware of the consequences for themselves, their families, and community, all having to weigh fear against hope.

Audition Notice:

The Children’s March - a Short One Act
Written By Antoinette F. Winstead for
The Carver’s Youth Matinee Series

1 African American Male: 19 – 30 years old and 1 African American Female: 19 – 30 years old

DOLORES REYNOLDS: Junior Class President &

PETER "DEACON" DICKINSON: Junior Class Parliamentarian/Defensive Lineman

Audition Date: Thursday , January 5, 2023 Time: 5:00-6:30pm.

Where: ZOOM (for link see information below)
Performers will be paid.

Rehearsal Dates: Saturdays, January 7, 14, 21, 28 Time: 10 a.m. - noon

Where: 24th Street Theatre (In-Person)
Our Lady of the Lake University Griffith Fine Arts Center
411 SW 24th Street, S.A., Tx, 78207

Tech Rehearsal Dates & Times: February 1st and 2nd from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Performance Date & Time: Friday, February 3, 2023 @ 11 a.m. Location: The Jo Long Theatre, Carver Community Cultural Center

To schedule an audition slot and to receive the ZOOM link contact: Antoinette Winstead at