The Dating Project
by Summer Break Theatre
May. 09 (2022)
Summer Break Theatre is back!! And we are thrilled to announce our next production coming this *July* at Hyde Park Theatre:
New premiere of THE DATING PROJECT by our friend and playwright, Max Langert. We're so thrilled to work with this talent!
Directed by Yaakov Abrams and featuring SBT members Anna Becker, Maggie Meador, and David Lampe.
1 male role, 30's-40's, to play play multiple comic roles ranging from potential leading man in a Rom-Com to an obnoxious jerk to a quirky oddball. Must be comedically versatile and able to switch characters quickly in terms of attitude and wardrobe change. This will be a fun piece with very quick scene changes! Pay is offered.
Production Dates:
July 17-19 & July 24-26, 2022 @ Hyde Park Theatre
Rehearsals begin late May and run through July 17
Auditions: Monday, May 9
Our website: Summer Break Theatre, Austin (click HERE)