upcoming season
by One Ounce Opera
Sep. 08 (2019)
These auditions serve to place ensemble members on our Season Eight roster, from which private gigs, collaborations, special events, and all shows are selected. Call backs to cast Fresh Squeezed Ounce of Opera 2020 will take place internally approx. two weeks after these auditions.
Come sing with us!
Auditions announced for ALL VOICE TYPES (new singers and any singers who were not cast during the 2018-2019 season). Sunday, September 8, 2019, 6-10 pm.
Before you apply, please read our MISSION STATEMENT and our CORE VALUES: http://oneounceopera.com/about_ooo/
Complete details and a list of application materials can be found here: http://oneounceopera.com/auditions-for-ooo/