The Vagina Monologues
by New Braunfels Theatre Company
Dec. 17 - Dec. 20 (2018)
Auditions for a role in The Vagina Monologues with New Braunfels Theatre Company on Dec 17 through Dec 20.Audition dates: Monday Dec. 17, 2018, 5 - 8 p.m. at Painting with a Twist, 1551 N. Walnute Venue, #20, New Braunfels
Wednesday, Dec. 19 and Thursday Dec. 20, 5 - 8 0.m. at D. Lee Edwards Realty
Bring a prepared monologue or simply "cold read" - if you have another talent such as singing or dancing, please share.
Show dates February 20 - 28. Actors must be available for various performances in-studio and on-tour during these dates. All shows and rehearsals to be held in evening hours.