The Little Mermaid, Disney
by Emily Ann Theatre
Dec. 31 (2017)
Auditions for a role in The Little Mermaid, Disney with Emily Ann Theatre on Dec 31.10 a.m., Sunday, December 31 at the Emly Ann Theatre
The EmilyAnn Theatre is holding auditions for our 2018 summer musical, Disney's The Little Mermaid on December 31, 2017. The show will run June 1-July 1 (Friday and Saturday nights, added Sunday on July 1st)
Auditioners need to sing 12-16 measures of a song of their choice (piano accompaniment will be provided), and perform a one minute memorized monologue of their choice. Email to sign up for an audition time.
Ariel is cast. All other roles are open. The only role available for actors under the age of 18 is Flounder, who will also be asked to skateboard.