The Winter's Tale
by Emily Ann Theatre
Feb. 12 (2017)
William Shakespeare's magical and powerful play, The Winter's Tale: The first half tragedy, second half comedy, this story is for all Shakespeare lovers.
he EmilyAnn Theatre & Gardens is holding auditions for actors age 18 and older for William Shakespeare's magical and powerful play The Winter's Tale.
The run of the show is the month of September (Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:30pm, Sundays 2pm). We are auditioning now so that actors have an opportunity to begin work on their lines and scripts early.
We are also looking for musicians, as we will live music played for this show. All actors that also play musical instruments are encouraged to do so at auditions.
Needed for Auditions:
-20 line verse monologue of your choice,
12-16 measures of a song (either a capella or with a karoake track),
Instruments encouraged!
Shakespeare beginners (or even if you've always wanted to learn more about how to perform Shakespeare) are encouraged to audition, as well. If you need audition assistance, please email and I will answer any questions you have.
Auditions will take place on Sunday, February 12th and you need to email bridget@emilyann.orgto set up an audition time for the day.
James Byers will be guest directing this production for the EmilyAnn Theatre.
The roles of Leontes and Hermione are cast. All other roles are open.