Directed by Laura T Garza. In this powerful new adaptation from visionary director Sally Cookson based off the bestselling novel by Patrick Ness tells the stunning …
A Texas premiere. This new musical, Somewhere Over the Border, embraces the factual and the fantastical in its depiction of one young girl’s pursuit of the …
The San Antonio College Department of Fine Arts presents
The Government Inspector, a comedy adapted by Jeffery Hatcher from a play written by Nikolai Gogol
Directed …
Cyrano de Bergerac- Arguably one of the greatest plays ever written, French playwright Edmund Rostand weaves the tale of Cyrano de Bergerac. Cyrano, a contemporary …
The plot is simple: a down-on-his-luck Broadway producer and his mild-mannered accountant come up with a scheme to produce the most notorious flop in history …