Review: Booger Red by Jim Loucks
by David Glen Robinson


Jim Loucks (via JL)Any performance of material derived from one’s family has great authenticity. Jim Loucks emphasizes that his story is “loosely derived” from his life experiences with his father Booger Red, but the depths of feeling and insight revealed in this presentation cannot be gained other than by direct experience.


Louck’s talent and commitment to the performance are heightened by the theatrical values of Booger Red. His movement, highly important and sometimes lacking in one-person shows, is much more than blocking. In this piece it was closer to choreography than to blocking. The difference became more pronounced as movement was tied to the several characters. Booger Red’s walk was different from that of son Jim, for example. The approach was consistent and included a “neutral” walk as Loucks performed a dialogue between two other characters strolling together. Kudos to Loucks and to director Lisa Chess.


Especially enjoyable were his quicksilver changes with his voice, face, stances, emotion, and movements. Acting students could well observe Loucks to learn about characterization and stage changes.


Music set a spiritual tone for the show. In the character of Booger Red Loucks sang parts of traditional Protestant church hymns with his baritone voice. The title character went to youth choir singer to meet girls, encountered his future wife that way, and discovered choir as a road to identity, at first haltingly and then boldly. Once he understood that expressive singing was a satisfying way to connect, his eventual rise to the pulpit was as sure as night follows the day. And that's probably the secret of success of fundamentalist preaching: it connects with people wherever they are in their lives.


Loucks loosely derives his performance from his father’s success as a preacher but quietly, perhaps unknowingly, he offers some spiritual insight as well. Most of the story elements deal with difficulties, not storms, of growing up as a preacher’s kid, or PK (additional details are found in my recent profile of Loucks) . But when Loucks narrates his late adolescent journey away from his father’s values, he leaves behind that germ of adult success and right doing that serves as a grounding guide through adulthood. Everyone should love their father, and their sons, that much.


Booger Red is gone as you read this. Loucks and his producer wife Deb perform his stories on the continent-wide fringe festival circuit for 2024-2025. Their colorful stage set designed by Sibyl Wickersheimer folds into a few cases, fits into an SUV or trailer, and takes off with the Loucks to their next one-person success. They are sure to return to Austin, though a future performance date hasn't been set..

Booger Red
by Jim Louks
touring company

October 17 - October 19, 2024
Hyde Park Theatre
511 West 43rd Street
Austin, TX, 78751

October 17-19, 2024


Hyde Park Theatre, 511 W. 43rd St Austin, TX 78751


Performances: 8:00 p.m. on Thursday Oct 17, Friday Oct 18, and Saturday Oct 19, 2024.


Tickets: $20, available at and