Three Short Performances
by OUTsider Festival
Feb. 21, 2016
Ba Na Na (JD Samson + Drew Denny)
How culturally universal is the experience of eroticizing nature? Is this a desire everyone has? To go back to the land... but without leaving the safety of our car (our link to today's technological fate). Are we fetishists? Of the natural experience? Of nostalgia? Investigating our contemporary contact with nature as simulacra, this work is part of a series that aims to construct queer ecosystems in the art-space.
For OUTsider, we create a space for the audience to join us in a conversation about the fetishization of nature, and the eroticization of the elements. Using projection, movement, pre-recorded scores, handmade props and costumes we will lead the audience through the narrative of our relationship to water, earth, fire, and air.
A Shining Attributea play by Candyce Rusk
Directed by Hannah Wolf
Starring Melissa Vogt
Featuring Robert Vignisson on drums
Costume Design by Caitlin Graham
Lighting Design by Alex Hanna
The seedling for A Shining Attribute was planted in 1978. Rummaging thru the Boston’s Modern Theater with Rob, who was part of a team attempting to renovate the space into a new arts/jazz venue, we came across an old steamer trunk hidden in the shadows. Inside was a disintegrating boa and a photo of an exotic entertainer. A Shining Attribute may or may not be her story. During this performance, Bijou, the solo character, belongs to us all. A Shining Attribute is dedicated to burlesque queens, past, present and future. And to Rob, who fell off the roof of the Modern Theater taking a piss a few weeks after our trunk discovery.
Little Stolen Moments
Lindsey Taylor, Nicole Whiteside and Stanley Roy Williamson
These Little Stolen Moments showcase their latter years of dance works. Established in 2006, LSM has been Austin's foremost interpretive dance force for the last decade. Their witty and nostalgic musicality, combined with their palpable love and adoration for one another has enchanted audiences since their inception. These works represent LSM's most recent endeavors and serve as a testament to the power of dance as a means to bind, elevate and transcend the passage of time.
Three Short Performances
by various, OUTsider Festival 2016
OUTsider Festival
February 21, 2016
Sunday, February 21, 3 p.m, Salvage Vanguard Theatre, 2803 Manor Rd, Austin
Information about this performance and others is available at