Clothing, Movement, Spirituality
by Cohen New Works Festival, University of Texas
Apr. 13 - Apr. 17, 2015
Monday, Wednesday-Friday
This interdisciplinary performance will shed new light on the world of Martial Arts by incorporating it with contemporary, modern and hip hop dance as well as international and traditional music from China, Thailand, and Korea. Through the movement styles of Kung Fu, Muay Thai, and Tae Kwon Do, the audience will get a taste of three different cultures and histories while discovering how different they really are. And, through the historical and modern clothing of these Martial Arts the audience will get a glimpse of the spirituality, function, and history that come with each. This performance will delve into the realm of these three vastly different fighting styles and cultures to open a dialogue with the audience that Martial Arts in itself is a form of artistic globalization. It is History. It is Culture. It is Spirituality. It is Physical. It is Performative. It is Art.
Creative Team:
Lighting Designer: PoYang Sung
Sunny Shen- Choreographer and Dancer in Part 1: Tai Chi
Madison Palomo- Dancer in Part 2: Muay Thai and Part 3: TaeKwonDo
Chanel Hsiang- Dancer in Part 2: Muay Thai and Part 3: TaeKwonDo
Kashif Hussain- Dancer in Part 2: Muay Thai and Part 3: TaeKwonDo
Lizeth Katz- Dancer in Part 2: Muay Thai and Part 3: TaeKwonDo
Melissa Hand- Dancer in Part 2: Muay Thai and Part 3: TaeKwonDo
Sara Robillard- Dancer in Part 3: TaeKwonDo
Akisa Yokomizo- Dancer in Part 3: TaeKwonDo
Clothing, Movement, Spirituality
by Kelly Ruiz
Cohen New Works Festival, University of Texas
April 13 - April 17, 2015
April 13 at noon
April 14 no performance
April 15 at 1 p.m.
April 16 at 10 a.m.
April 17 at noon